Tracking Employee Activity in Organization Explained

Tracking employee activities has not been that important ever. Since most of the organizations are still working remote or hybrid, it is good for organizations to use a software to track employees.

Feb 1, 2023 - 11:40
Tracking Employee Activity in Organization Explained
Employee Time Tracking


There are several ways to track remote employees working with company devices, including:

  • Installing tracking software on the devices: This can track the location of the device, as well as usage patterns, such as which apps are being used and for how long.
  • Implementing a virtual private network (VPN): This can ensure that all internet activity on the device is routed through the company's network, making it easier to monitor and track.
  • Setting up remote access: This can allow managers to access the device remotely and monitor activity in real-time.
  • Setting up time tracking and project management software: This can track the amount of time an employee is spending on specific tasks and projects, allowing managers to ensure that they are meeting their work obligations.
  • Regular check-ins and communication: This can ensure that managers are aware of the status of ongoing projects and that employees are meeting deadlines.

*****Tracking remote employees should be done with their consent and in compliance with labor laws and company policies.


  • Time Doctor:

Time Doctor is a time tracking and productivity software that is designed to help businesses track and improve the productivity of their remote employees. Some key features of Time Doctor include:

  • Time tracking: Allows employees to track the time they spend on different projects and tasks, and generates detailed reports on employee activity.
  • Screenshots and activity levels: Takes screenshots of employee's screens and tracks their activity levels to ensure that they are working efficiently.
  • Website and app monitoring: Allows managers to track the websites and apps that employees are using, and to set specific rules for which websites and apps are allowed during work hours.
  • Payroll and invoicing: Allows businesses to easily calculate employee pay based on the time they have tracked, and to generate invoices for clients.
  • Integrations: Time Doctor can integrate with other tools such as Asana, Trello, Jira and others.
  • Mobile apps: Time Doctor also have mobile apps for both android and ios, that allows employees to track time while on the go.

*****Time Doctor is a paid software, with different plans available depending on the number of users and the features needed. It also offers a free trial for 14 days, so you can test it out before committing to a plan.

  • Toggle:

Toggl is a time tracking software that helps businesses and individuals track the time they spend on different tasks and projects. It is designed to be simple and easy to use, making it a popular choice for freelancers and small businesses. Some key features of Toggl include:

  • Time tracking: Allows users to start and stop timers for different tasks and projects, and to track the time spent on each.
  • Reporting: Generates detailed reports on time spent on different tasks and projects, which can be used to improve productivity and estimate project costs.
  • Integrations: Toggl can integrate with other tools such as Asana, Trello, Jira, and others, allowing users to track time spent on specific tasks within those platforms.
  • Mobile apps: Toggl also has mobile apps for both Android and iOS, which allows users to track time on the go.
  • Team management: Toggl also offers a team management feature that allows managers to track the time of multiple employees and generate reports on their work.

*****Toggl offers a free basic plan, as well as paid plans with additional features, such as a more detailed reporting and team management tools.

  • RescueTime

RescueTime is a productivity tracking software that runs in the background on a device and tracks the time spent on different apps, websites, and activities. The software is designed to help users understand how they spend their time and make changes to improve their productivity. Some key features of RescueTime include:

  • Time tracking: Tracks the time spent on different apps, websites, and activities, and generates detailed reports on usage patterns.
  • Productivity metrics: Provides insights into productivity levels, including the amount of time spent on productive and non-productive activities.
  • Alerts: Allows users to set alerts for specific activities, such as spending too much time on social media or email, to help them stay on track.
  • Goals: Allows users to set goals for specific activities or productivity levels, and provides feedback on progress towards those goals.
  • Integrations: RescueTime can integrate with other tools such as Trello, Asana, and others, allowing users to track time spent on specific tasks within those platforms.
  • Mobile apps: RescueTime also has mobile apps for both Android and iOS, which allows users to track time on the go.

*****RescueTime offers a free basic plan, as well as paid plans with additional features, such as a more detailed reporting and a more granular control over what activities are tracked.

  • Hubstaff

Hubstaff is a time tracking and employee monitoring software that helps businesses track and improve the productivity of their remote employees. The software is designed to be simple and easy to use, making it a popular choice for freelancers and small businesses. Some key features of Hubstaff include:

  • Time tracking: Allows employees to track the time they spend on different projects and tasks, and generates detailed reports on employee activity.
  • Screenshots and activity levels: Takes screenshots of employee's screens and tracks their activity levels to ensure that they are working efficiently.
  • Website and app monitoring: Allows managers to track the websites and apps that employees are using, and to set specific rules for which websites and apps are allowed during work hours.
  • Payroll and invoicing: Allows businesses to easily calculate employee pay based on the time they have tracked, and to generate invoices for clients.
  • Integrations: Hubstaff can integrate with other tools such as Asana, Trello, Jira and others.
  • Mobile apps: Hubstaff also have mobile apps for both android and ios, that allows employees to track time while on the go.
  • Team management: Hubstaff offers team management features that allow managers to monitor employee productivity, assign tasks and set schedules.

*****Hubstaff is a paid software, with different plans available depending on the number of users and the features needed. It also offers a free trial for 14 days, so you can test it out before committing to a plan.

  • Teramind:

Teramind is an employee monitoring and tracking software that provides a wide range of features to help businesses track and improve the productivity of their remote employees. It is designed to be flexible and customizable, making it suitable for a variety of different industries and use cases. Some key features of Teramind include:

  • Real-time monitoring: Allows managers to monitor employee activity in real-time, including keystrokes, mouse movements, and screenshots.
  • Reporting and analytics: Generates detailed reports on employee activity, including time spent on specific tasks and websites, and provides analytics to help identify trends and improve productivity.
  • Compliance and security: Provides features to help businesses comply with regulations and protect against security threats, such as data leak prevention, and alerts for specific keywords and activities.
  • Remote access and control: Allows managers to access and control employee devices remotely, and to set rules for which apps and websites are allowed during work hours.
  • Integrations: Teramind can integrate with other tools such as Trello, Asana, and others, allowing users to track time spent on specific tasks within those platforms.
  • Mobile apps: Teramind also have mobile apps for both android and ios, that allows employees to track time while on the go.

*****Teramind is a paid software, with different plans available depending on the number of users and the features needed. It also offers a free trial for 14 days, so you can test it out before committing to a plan.


Selecting the right tracking software for your business depends on your specific needs and budget. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a tracking software:

  • Features: Consider the specific features that you need, such as time tracking, website and app monitoring, and employee reporting. Make sure the software you choose has the features you need to effectively track and improve the productivity of your remote employees.
  • Integration: If you already use other software for project management or communication, look for a tracking software that can integrate with those tools. This will help to streamline your workflow and make it easier to track employee activity.
  • Cost: Consider the cost of the software, as well as any additional costs such as training or support. Make sure the software fits within your budget and that the costs are reasonable for the features you need.
  • Ease of use: Look for a software that is easy to use and understand. A user-friendly interface will make it easier for employees to use the software, and for managers to track and analyze data.
  • Security: Look for software that provides robust security features, such as encryption and data leak prevention, to ensure that employee data is protected.
  • Compliance: If your business is subject to specific regulations, look for a software that can help you comply with those regulations.

*****Free trial period is a chance to test the software and see if it meets your needs before making a final decision.


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