Commonly Used Linux Commands

Top 50 Commonly Used Linux Commands

Jan 24, 2023 - 06:55
Commonly Used Linux Commands
Top 50 Linux Commands

Linux Commands And Explanations

  1. ls - Lists the files and directories in the current directory.
  2. cd - Changes the current working directory
  3. mkdir - Creates a new directory
  4. rmdir - Removes an empty directory
  5. touch - Creates a new file or updates the timestamp of an existing file
  6. cat - Displays the contents of a file
  7. more - Displays the contents of a file one page at a time
  8. less - Displays the contents of a file one page at a time, with additional navigation options
  9. head - Displays the first few lines of a file
  10. tail - Displays the last few lines of a file
  11. cp - Copies a file or directory
  12. mv - Moves or renames a file or directory
  13. rm - Deletes a file or directory
  14. find - Searches for files or directories based on certain criteria
  15. grep - Searches for a specific string of text in a file or multiple files
  16. sort - Sorts the contents of a file
  17. uniq - Removes duplicate lines from a sorted file
  18. wc - Counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a file
  19. chmod - Changes the permissions on a file or directory
  20. chown - Changes the ownership of a file or directory
  21. tar - Creates or extracts a tar archive file
  22. gzip - Compresses or decompresses a file using the gzip algorithm
  23. gunzip - Decompresses a file that was compressed with gzip
  24. bzip2 - Compresses or decompresses a file using the bzip2 algorithm
  25. bunzip2 - Decompresses a file that was compressed with bzip2
  26. echo - Prints a line of text to the console
  27. clear - Clears the console screen
  28. whoami - Displays the current user's username
  29. who - Displays a list of users currently logged in
  30. passwd - Changes the current user's password
  31. su - Switches to a different user account
  32. sudo - Runs a command with superuser privileges
  33. history - Displays a list of recently used commands
  34. man - Displays the manual page for a command
  35. df - Displays information about disk usage
  36. du - Displays information about disk usage for a specific directory
  37. free - Displays information about free and used memory
  38. top - Displays real-time information about processes running on the system
  39. ps - Displays information about currently running processes
  40. kill - Sends a signal to a process to terminate it
  41. killall - Sends a signal to all processes with a specific name to terminate them
  42. reboot - Reboots the system
  43. shutdown - Shuts down the system
  44. init - Changes the system's runlevel
  45. mount - Mounts a filesystem
  46. umount - Unmounts a filesystem
  47. fdisk - Partitions a hard drive
  48. parted - Partitions a hard drive
  49. lspci - Lists PCI devices
  50. lsusb - Lists USB devices

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