PowerShell Script to Retrieve Details of Files in a Folder
This PowerShell script retrieves details for files inside item folders inside a specified folder, including the file name, size, creator, and last editor. The script exports the results to a CSV file in the same folder.

Quick link to script:
powershell/get_details_of_folder.ps1 at main · kbsuperuser/powershell (github.com)
This PowerShell script retrieves details for files inside item folders inside a specified folder, including the file name, size, creator, and last editor. The script exports the results to a CSV file in the same folder.
This PowerShell script is designed to retrieve details for files inside item folders inside a specified folder. The script uses the Get-ChildItem cmdlet with the -Recurse parameter to get all items (files and folders) inside the specified folder, including items in subfolders.
Run the script in the host machine.
Author: kbsuperuser.com | License: CC0
$FolderPath = "C:\DestinationFolder" # Replace with your folder path
$ExportPath = Join-Path $FolderPath "FileDetails.csv"
Get-ChildItem -Path $FolderPath -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} | ForEach-Object {
$ItemFolder = $_
Get-ChildItem -Path $ItemFolder.FullName | Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer} | ForEach-Object {
$File = $_
$FileDetails = @{
"Name" = $File.Name
"ItemType" = "File"
"Size" = $File.Length
"CreatedBy" = (Get-Acl $File.FullName).Owner
"LastEdited" = $File.LastWriteTime
"ParentFolder" = $ItemFolder.Name
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $FileDetails
} | Export-Csv -Path $ExportPath -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "File details exported to $ExportPath"
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