PHP QUIZ Web Application
This application is a simple quiz platform written in PHP that runs on Internet Information Services (IIS). It allows users to take quizzes, with questions retrieved from a CSV file, and saves their results to another CSV file for later analysis.

Quiz Web Application
User-friendly interface for taking quizzes.
Dynamic loading of questions from a CSV file.
Automatic scoring and feedback for quiz responses.
Results are saved to a CSV file for record-keeping.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter with Internet Information Services (IIS) installed.
PHP installed and configured with IIS.
A web browser to access the application.
Knowledge of CSV file formats for creating quiz questions and recording results.
Clone or download the Quiz Web Application repository to your server.
Place the application files in the root directory of your web server (e.g., C:\inetpub\wwwroot\quiz).
Ensure that PHP is correctly configured to work with IIS.
Access the Quiz Web Application through your web browser by navigating to http://localhost/quiz.
Users will be redirected to quiz page if domain authentication is enabled.
The application will load questions dynamically from the questions.csv file.
Users can select their answers and submit the quiz.
The application will calculate the score and provide feedback to the user.
Quiz results will be saved to the results.csv file.
Customize the quiz questions by editing the questions.csv file. Ensure that the CSV file follows the specified format.
Modify the application's appearance and behavior by editing the PHP files in the quiz directory.
For any issues or questions regarding the Quiz Web Application, please contact
GitHub - kbsuperuser/PHP-QUIZ: PHP QUIZ Application to be run on IIS
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